Individuals interested in becoming netball umpires can start the process at the T&T Netball Association (TTNA) Umpire Sub Committee seminars that will take place on the weekend of April 21-22.
The sessions, which will be held at SWWTU Hall on Wrightson Road in Port-of Spain, will help to prepare interested netball umpires for the theoretical examination on April 28.
On the opening day, the session will start from 9 am and run until 2.30 pm. It continues the next day, beginning at 10 am - 3 pm. The fee for the seminars is $25 per day inclusive of a snack.
Former international netball umpire Anne-Marie Dickson-Lewis will operate as the convenor of the seminars and all leagues, associates and communities are asked to attend to help assist with the development of the sport throughout the twin-island.