Local rock fans are gearing up for the arrival of two of the biggest rock bands ever to perform in T&T, 311 and Daughtry! The bands will be co-headlining one of T&T’s biggest ever modern rock concerts on July 30 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Port-of Spain.
The event, which also features guest artists jointpop and Skid Nevely, is being produced by Paramita International Distribution Limited (PIDL).
Managing Director Vishesh RamSingh said this is the first time the two bands will be coheadlining an event together.
“That in itself was one of the factors in both bands agreeing to this big show in Trinidad,” said Ramsingh, “because it is such an opportunity for them to play together where chances are they would never have been billed together on tour. While both bands fall under the modern rock banner, they have two different styles, they’re both well-respected and they’re at the top of their games right now.”
He said PIDL is trying to appeal to a broader market by bringing in both bands. “We’re seeing a lot of men on our Facebook page very pumped about 311 but certainly any woman of any background that I’ve interacted with is dying to see Chris Daughtry.
“We will get Daughtry fans and 311 fans independently and of course there will be a cross-section of both in the middle that will appreciate both. So hopefully everyone leaves having a good time and maybe have earned a little bit of respect for the other band at the same time.”
Ramsingh said the local guest bands, jointpop and Skid Nevely, were for him the obvious choices to be booked for the concert. “If had to pick a band to really be the voice or the leader if you will of the local rock scene, I think it would be jointpop hands down.
I don’t think they’ve been given the right opportunities over the years to have their music showcased and it was a no-brainer to pick them because they just released their new album about a month ago.
“Skid Nevely maybe would represent another generation, maybe half a generation under jointpop, but they’ve had radio success and what I like about them for this show in particular is that they offer another different form of rock and roll.”
RamSingh said this is the beginning of an aggressive campaign on the part of PIDL, a familyowned company which has been responsible for bringing acts like Amita Bachan, Julio and Enrique Iglesias and many others to T&T since the 80’s.
“We started shifting into the marketing and distribution sector over the years as a result of what we see is a crying need for international talent coming to our shores.
“We felt that now was the right time to have the marketing department of TIDL use our experience in the promotion sector to start bringing international bands back to Trinidad shores.
“We want to stick to authentic bands, not the tribute bands which we’ve been seeing in Trinidad over the years, I think Trinidad deserves a lot more than that. This is the first of many shows we have planned over the next three years.”
Ramsingh said he believes there’s enough of a market in Trinidad to make the show successful, as the company is looking at building towards a Festival-level event during the summer, “where we can incorporate a lot more of our local talent to play alongside this international talent and you never know what could happen.
“Suppose one of our local acts gets recognised and it catches the ear of some of the international acts that we bring? That could always help to encourage arts in Trinidad.
Musicianship is always a great thing that we’ve always supported and youth need music, youth need art.”
Ramsingh said he also feels that Trinidad needs an event like this at this time to remind people that “we can’t let what’s happening in Trinidad make us feel like we have to lock up in our homes. Sometimes you have to go out and enjoy yourself.”
He said although all the bands fall under the modern rock banner, the audience will get a taste of different styles all the way through. “Skid Nevely, who will be opening the show, incorporates steel pan into their Rock music, so you’ll have a sort of a Caribbean style rock mixed with punk influences. jointpop crosses all barriers in terms of style, then we have Daughtry which is more of a streamlined modern rock sound and then we have 311 which is like a roots rock reggae kind of sound, so we get all bases of rock covered that night. It should be a good show for everyone.”