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TSTT explains Internet/landline billing

Monday, June 16, 2014
Guardian Angel

Each week, the Guardian Angel column highlights complaints sent in by you, the consumer, and provides solutions or directs you to the appropriate resource.



Problem: Guardian Media Ltd staff member Raymond Grant said before June last year he had Internet, Blink Entertainment and a landline with TSTT, costing roughly $300 a month. Mr Grant said, “However, in June 2013, I signed up for my Internet speed to increase to 2MB (megabytes).” He said at this time his bill increased to about $490 a month. “In December 2013, I got a call from TSTT offering me a package that would reduce my payments to $458 monthly.”


The package increased Mr Grant’s Internet speed to 5MB, and all TSTT landline to landline calls were free, with his Blink Entertainment package remaining the same. Mr Grant said, “In March I was being billed for and still receiving 2MB Internet speed, which I queried and was rectified. I am yet to receive a credit for the incorrect billing as I was paying for 5MB.” He said when he received his bill for April, it had increased to $538.50, an increase of $80.50.


He said he contacted TSTT and was told the excess was for landline rental and the monthly rental of two Blink Entertainment cable boxes. Mr Grant asks, “But how could this be when I was assured the total monthly package was $458 and I was being billed this amount for three months? “I want the credit for being billed the incorrect Internet speed and my package restored to $458 per month as agreed.”



Solution: The Billing Department and Customer Care Centre at TSTT were contacted about Mr Grant’s complaint. Mr Grant was receiving cable services, Internet, cable boxes (one free and two additional) and landline rental, all of which was included in his bill. 



According to TSTT, the new package didn’t start until March 27, which was when Mr Grant’s Internet speed was increased to 5MB and he was billed. He was not paying for 5MB before then and in fact received a prorated rebate for the 2MB speed he paid for March 27-31. TSTT bills a month in advance, so Mr Grant’s bill for April would have included the rebate for the 2MB package, plus a prorated bill for March 27-31 for the new package, as well as his bill for April.


The landline rental and the two additional boxes, which would account for the $80.50, were not included in the package and Mr Grant was billed separately for them. Therefore, Mr Grant is not due for an additional rebate, as he was receiving the correct Internet speed at the time and his billing is correct.



Problem: Ron Hill says there is a drain between Bamboo Drive and Lemon Drive in Champs Fleurs that has not been cleaned for about five months. Mr Hill said apart from the smell, which is so bad it could make anyone sick, it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. “Can you please do something about this because this drain is located behind some homes but in the rainy season the drain waters flow like a river through (someone’s) yard in order to get out.”



Solution: Mr Hill’s complaint was forwarded to the public health officials at the County Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) for St George Central on 21 Third Street, Barataria. The Barataria office is one of many CMOHs throughout T&T where citizens can lodge complaints about public health and occupational health and safety issues. For a full listing of the various offices and their locations, go to www.health.gov.tt/sitepages/default.aspx?id=175



Even as you’re encouraged to take the appropriate routes for addressing your complaints, the Guardian Angel is here to assist you. You can send the Guardian Angel an e-mail about your problem and what steps you took to deal with the matter. The Guardian Angel looks forward to hearing from you and bringing some relief to your problems.


E-mail her at angel@guardian.co.tt


Please include your name, address and telephone number as we’ll need them to follow up with you.

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