Controversy surrounds the kidnapping and release of the step-daughter of Krystiana Sankar, the step-daughter of Minister in the Ministry of the Attorney General Stuart Young.
This after Young denied he or any other close family member made any ransom payment in the wake of a T&T Police Service statement that Sankar, 24, was released yesterday morning following a ransom payment, after she was snatched at a friend’s house in Diego Martin on Thursday. (See other story)
Yesterday, the T&T Police Service (TTPS) tweeted: “The 24y/o was released at Morne Coco Road, Diego Martin, around 2 am on 13.04.18 after a $167,000 ransom was paid. She was kidnapped around 6.45 pm at Crystal Stream, Diego Martin, on 12.04.18.”The T&T Guardian was told Sankar was at the home of a friend at Alfred Lane when two men - one armed with a gun and the other a cutlass - entered the house. Sankar was pointed out and taken at gunpoint into a waiting white panel van bearing a company logo. Initial police reports suggested a ransom of $200,000 and five blocks of marijuana was demanded for her release. However, in a tweet the TTPS subsequently gave the monetary figure. As the hours went by yesterday after Sankar’s release, however, no further information was forthcoming from the TTPS.When the T&T Guardian visited the house where she was kidnapped at Alfred Lane, its gate was padlocked and no one came out when called out.
A resident in the area, who wished not to be identified, said she often sees “characters” frequenting the house.
“Some times loud music playing. It does have all kinds of young men in and out drinking and smoking. To me they look frightening, but we stay indoors because we do not want trouble to come our way. We see but we don’t see and hear nothing.”Another resident, when questioned, walked off, placing his finger to his lips.T&T Guardian was also told that among police circles, information came to light that the 21-year-old son of Sea Lots community leader Cedric Burke was detained for questioning in connection with Sankar’s kidnapping. But a senior police officer, who wished not to be named, last evening said no one was arrested in connection with the kidnapping and investigations were continuing.However, Burke, 43, who spoke to the T&T Guardian at Sea Lots yesterday, confirmed his son, Shaquille was “picked up” by the police early yesterday in Sea Lots.He said whilst he did not receive any information it had anything to do with Sankar’s kidnapping, he was told by his attorney, who went to the station, his son was being questioned “into an inquiry over a firearm possession.” Asked if there was any connection between his son and Sankar, or if they were friends, Burke said he did not know.
Burke said that his son had no criminal records and described him as a very educated individual with subject passes having been schooled at Queen’s Royal College and the Southern Caribbean University.Burke said he was told his son was approached by police some time after 4 am at Sea Lots and taken to Besson Street Police Station.
“I wasn’t around but usually my son would get up early to help his other brother with the fishing boats we have when it come in and that was why he was outside that hour in the morning. I heard that the police had him in a jeep.”Meanwhile, in a release on Tuesday, the TTPS stated that reports of kidnappings went down by 21 per cent, with 39 of these crimes committed during the comparative period in 2017 as against 31 for 2018, thus far.Investigations are continuing.