Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday that he is now trying to find out what occurred in the issue of the Sport Ministry’s recent $150,000 court settlement.
Government recently said the settlement concerned a matter of “improper termination” of an employee and a non-disclosure clause was involved.
The Opposition has insisted Government disclose who in the ministry was involved and alleged certain statements point to the top.
Speaking at yesterday’s post-Cabinet news conference, the Prime Minister said, “I can’t pronounce on it without knowing details.”
On whether he still has confidence in Sport Minister Darryl Smith, Rowley said there is no Minister in Government in whom he didn’t have confidence. He said if he didn’t have confidence in anyone, he’d withdraw the portfolio.
He warned if people misconducted themselves at the workplace and were found guilty of wrong-doing, ...That’s for their account -that’s the general principle.”
Smith is also MP for Diego Martin Central.